Cortland Bechtell

Here are example panels from comic books I’ve worked on where I’ve done major art corrections as directed by the lead editor and writer to better match their vision to the final product.
These are example pages of my lettering and visual sound effect work I did on the FutureDude Comic Brainstorm and Parallel Man. I also did art corrections on nearly 3 out of every 4 pages. You can see examples of that here.
These are production paintings I did to help visualize how scenes might look in a movie adaptation of the Venus: Daedalus One script. I even modeled and rendered 3D objects for the movie to show in the scenes.
These images were modeled and rendered in Maya by me, based on original concept sketches by Jeffery Morris.

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These are renderings from a team project for a book about two cat’s who explore the moon in their imaginary rocket. The book was finished and ready to publish but never got published do to lack of funding. In the end our team was left with some stelar rendering and lots of fur shading and dynamics experience!

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These are pages done for Comic 1 class at MCAD in 2006. ‘Blarg!’ Was a pre-written script that all students were given our part was to realize the visual the writer tried to convey. ‘Are you CRAZY?!’ was a project where we wrote our own scripts and then drew them. ‘X1’ was our final for the class a two page short comic. I wrote mine to start conceptualizing my ideas for my final animation project ‘Junk City’.

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A vector art eye, created for a project involving statement through eyes to create a possible magazine cover.

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