Cortland Bechtell

This website was designed by me and Fredrick Haugen. Coded from the ground up by myself in PHP and WordPress. Total Comfort had many revisions for this site. Each one was completed within a few hours of the request and made live on the Dev version of the site.

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Buzz Aldrin’s website was redesigned with heavy custom coding, Megento Store integration and 8 months of extra modifications. This site was coded from the ground up by me in PHP and WordPress. The look is based heavily on the original site, most design was changing graphics into a tighter more streamlined interface.

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This website was created around the logo I finished for Energy Concepts, design by Fredrick Haugen. This site was designed by myself and MorrisHaugen. Coded from the ground up by myself in WordPress. The site was a success, Energy Concepts became more professional and modern and now has an excellent portal to it’s customers.

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This site was designed by MorrisHaugen and coded from the ground up by me in PHP and WordPress. The site was a success allowing Pilgrim Cleaners to look more professional and modern.

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This was a fully developed website that was made to modernize the Ventures RX website. This site was designed by MorrisHaugen and coded from the ground up by me in HTML. It gave Ventures RX a new modern look and feel.

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This site was designed and coded by me using Larry Smith’s logo and identity. This site was designed in PHP with WordPress as the underlying structure.

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